My warm greetings to all.

                    Honourable dignitaries, guests, parents , staff, students and all well wishers.

                    Academic year 2020-21 is being visualized as the ‘YEAR OF TECHKIDS’ by us as the novelty of online teaching and learning fills me with a great sense of pride, contentment and thrill.

                    Our vision to bring out a generation of excellent performers has helped us to equip them with intensive mode of practice and a power to explore their inbuilt potentials. We do ensure our success through commitment and systematic purposeful efforts.

                    It gives me immense pleasure to highlight the different activities done in the school during the academic year 2020-21. We have been successful in overcoming the barriers of Covid pandemic by conducting a number of activities and programmes through online in the form of video presentations, PowerPoint presentations, speech in the form of audio clips , painting competitions etc.

CBSE Activities and Competitions

1.  CBSE Expression Series (Circular dated 15/06/2020)- 16th to 21st July 2020

Students from all four categories namely Primary, Secondary, High School and Senior Secondary level participated in the competition on the topic ‘ The best thing I learned during lockdown’ for both essay writing as well as primary competition. The  participants received e-certificates from CBSE.

2.   International day of Yoga- Online Quiz Competition -21st June to 20th July 2020

Students participated for the online quiz competitions well as send videos of different yoga postures they performed at home . The same videos were merged to form a single video to be presented by the school.


3.   Gandagi Mukt Bharat Campaign (Circular dated 6th August 2020)

The programme under the Pradhan Mantri Abhiyan conducted by the CBSE, was to send one best poster painting as well as an Essay on the same topic , and it was done/ uploaded successfully to the website prescribed by the CBSE.

4.   Reading week(8th September- 14th September, 2020)

Reading week in English and Malayalam was celebrated by encouraging the students to present their favourite stories, poetries etc. in the form of write ups, comic strips or as audio clips.

5.  Fit India Freedom Run (30th September – 2nd October, 2020)

A large number of students participated in it and send their videos which were merged and send to the CBSE website. CBSE honoured us with an E-Certificate for the school for our whole hearted participation.

6.   Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (31st October,2020)

A number of students participated in the essay writing and poster making competition on Sardar Vallabhai Patel and also took a pledge as per send by CBSE. A report for the same was uploaded by the school to the CBSE website.

7.  Vigilance Awareness Week- e-integrity pledge(27th October- 2nd November)

A pledge was taken by the students on the eve of the above mentioned programme.

8.  Aryabhatta Ganit challenge(12th November-25th November)

Students of different classes were encouraged to participate in the Mathematics competition.

9.  Fit India School Week(1st December-6th December)

Different programmes related to sports and games like poster making , spot jogging, rope skipping, playing games with family etc. were conducted each day and students participated. The participants received e-certificate for the same. The school was also accredited with e-certificate.

10.   Celebration of Swami Vivekananda’s Birth Anniversary(12th January 2021)

Children participated by presenting themselves in fancy dress competition, speech, drawing etc. to honour the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda.

Academic Performa

The portions are being covered smoothly in all the classes with the help of online classes. Test papers are conducted after every lesson. The periodic test-I, half yearly examination and periodic test-II were conducted in the month of August, October and December, 2020 respectively for classes I to XII.

Sahodaya Kalotsav 2020 and Kids Fest-2020

Our children participated in the Sahodaya Kalotsav 2020 and Kids Fest 2020, held by the Sahodaya School Complex, Alappuzha from 23rd to 25th November,2020 and 30th November,2020 respectively. They took part in all the items and bagged prizes for the same. The participants who represented in the Sahodaya Kalotsav and Kids Fest were selected on the basis of their performance in the Online Art Fest, 2020 conducted in the school level.

Important Days Celebrations

Our students had enthusiastically cooperated by participating in all the important days and even by contributing for it in their own unique and innovative manner.

Some of them are herewith mentioned below.

  • Independence Day
  • Onam Celebration
  • Children’s Day
  • Kargil Vijay Diwas
  • Teacher’s Day
  • Kerala Piravi
  • Malayalam Club Inauguration
  • Merit Day
  • Mathematics Day
  • Population Day

    Online In-Service training Programmes for Teachers

    The following are the online training programmes attended by all the teaching staff of our school.

  • Attended more than five training programmes conducted by CBSE COEs by each teacher.
  • Online teachers training courses in DIKSHA platform
  • Training in all the subjects given by CBSE.
  • Training programmes for KG section teachers.
  • Training programmes by CBSE and Sahodaya attended by the principal
  • Teachers training in Augmented Reality(AR) and student training on Digital Safety
  • and Online Well being in association with facebook.
  • NEP Transforming India Quiz
  • Training courses by Cambridge University Press
  • Training programme conducted by KIPS
  • Apart from the attended programmes , two of our teachers and principal conducted trainings as resource person for teachers of Alappuzha schools.

    Now may I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to our Honourable chairman Prof. K. Sasikumar, Secretary Dr. K B Manoj, Treasurer and Convenor Sri. K K Sivadasan for their valuable guidance. I also extend my whole hearted gratitude to all the members of Sree Buddha Educational Society, members of the PTA executive and the parents for their suggestions , guidance and co-operation. The whole hearted dedication, involvement and contribution of the teaching and non-teaching staff are praiseworthy. I value the sincere efforts and hard work of my dear students in all their activities. I also acknowledge the co-operation and motivation provided by all the well wishers . Beyond all let me take this opportunity to seek the blessing of the Almighty for helping us overcome every obstacles that came our way and providing the best for our students.


    Thank  you